Make Stuff Here
Chris believes that we should be making the products Americans depend on here in America, and that we should be making them with union workers right here in Western Pennsylvania.
Folks in Western Pennsylvania made the steel that built this country, and then corporate globalization stripped this region for parts: outsourcing jobs and devastating communities. Chris disagrees with the lousy trade deals and policy choices that hurt us, and, more importantly, that the American people never agreed to: to ship our jobs overseas, to sell the American Dream of millions of middle class families off to the highest bidder, and to make us dependent on foreign supply chains. These mistakes did plenty for corporate profits and Wall Street at the public’s expense.
And now our country, our communities, and our families are bearing the cost of those policy choices. Too many families struggle to make ends meet, find good jobs, and dream about a better life for their kids.
Chris will fight hard in Washington to reverse these disastrous decisions, to bring back strong union jobs to make things here once again.
Chris believes these industries are critical, not just in the future, but right now:
Industries that pay their workers every dime that they earn and train them to earn even more.
Industries that respect the fundamental right to form and join a union.
Industries that care about the places they are located and the people who live there.
Industries that pay their fair share of taxes.
Industries that invest in new technology instead of just buying back their own stocks.
It is time to make things in America again. It is time for our government to work with domestic industries to get the job done. And it is time for Wall Street to invest in America again rather than putting profit and greed above all else. Let’s get to work.